Technology Hiker

Place of the Week: Nevado de Toluca

DSCN1515I’m starting a weekly entry featuring a short note about my favorite adventure spots. Nevado de Toluca is Mexico’s 4th highest mountain and at 15,350 feet (4680m) is higher than any US peak in the lower 48.  It is a dormant volcano with two lakes in the crater center.  Aztecs visited the lakes for sacrifices and Mexican endurance athletes visit the lakes for training.

Not only is Nevado de Toluca beautiful and tall, but is is accessible.  I climbed the peak after a rare January snowstorm during a business trip to Mexico.  An excellent guide with servimont picked me at the hotel and drove the ~50 miles to Nevado de Toluca.  Multiple routes to the top abound including a fireroad like path.  There is also a road that ends near the base of the lakes although it closes on occasions for inclement weather (like it did when I was there).  If Nevado de Toluca were in the US, it would be overrun with climbers.  However, in Mexico, the peak is relatively devoid of visitors even though Mexico City is only a several hour flights from SFO.  I only saw three other climbers on the higher altitude slopes.

Nevado de Toluca is a highly accessible and recommended objective.
